Key Stage 2
National Curriculum Subject Area/s: Art and Design, geography, maths, cross-curricular projects Length of session: 1 hour Max group size: usually 1 class but there may be flexibility to group classes
Understanding more about the different kinds of materials used by artists and craftsmen.
Knowledge and understanding of the elements of Islamic art and design.
Understanding that in Islamic Art all art forms have equal status.
Activity 1: Setting the context Pupils will use a large map to find out where in the world Islamic art can be found.
Activity 2: Learning to look Using high quality images of objects from the galleries pupils will become more familiar with Islamic art. Through the use of jigsaws, odd one out games as well as live Q&A and paired or group discussion they will discover more about the materials, techniques and elements of design used by artists and designers.
Activity 3: Playful drawing Children will take part in playful drawing activities to prepare them for a polyprinting activity.