Curator for European and Early Prehistoric Collections



Research summary
My research interests centre on the prehistoric archaeology and material culture of Europe, with a specialisation in lithic technology and in the Lateglacial and early Postglacial periods. My research also focuses on museum collections, and I have a long-standing interest in the history of archaeology and antiquarian collecting in Northern Europe.  I welcome research on the Ashmolean’s collections.

I am responsible for the European Prehistory and Palaeolithic collections. I am also responsible for the African, American, and Asian material from the original 17th-century collections of the museum, and for the archive collections held by the Department of Antiquities.  Prior to my appointment at the Ashmolean 1996 I was a curator at the British Museum in the former department of Prehistoric and Romano-British Antiquities. I have been a lead curator for several permanent galleries and temporary exhibitions at the Ashmolean, including with Eleanor Standley the ‘Ashmolean Story’ gallery about the origins of the museum (opened 2017).

Featured projects

The Hallstatt Collection at the Ashmolean Museum (Prehistoric Society)

Late Pleistocene and early postglacial human activity in North Africa and in Northwest Europe (with N Barton, School of Archaeology)

Guildford Fire Station Upper Palaeolithic site (with Oxford Archaeology)


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